My Name is Filipe Vieira and I love coding and open-source!

Twitter: @fsanvie


Task Roulette is an effortless task manager that lets you focus on tasks rather than managing them.
It's your first job, will you get it? Of course you are the best at doing things, but what a day at the office will be like. How are you going to get along with colleagues and the boss? What kind of person are you and will you become after experiencing the rise of power and profit?
Consistency puzzle game is a version of the well-known logic puzzle called zebra, often called Einstein's Riddle or Einstein's Puzzle because it is said to have been invented by Albert Einstein as a boy. It is also known as Sherlock puzzle because is a deduction puzzle game worth of the best detective.
Balance: A Logic Puzzle With Balls, can you find the defective ball? A Logical game inspired by a famous variation of weighing coin math problems. In this game you have 12 balls, 11 of them have the same weight and 1 of them has a different weight, it could be heavier or lighter. You have a two plate's scale and your goal is to find which ball has a different weight, and if it is heavier or lighter than the others. You have to find this out with just three weighings to get the best score.